1 March - Dengue Fever, exit clov, and Cordero; Black Cat; DC
17 March - Kayo Dot, Yevetno, and Mitn (sp?), Talking Head, Baltimore, Md.
17 April - "HipHopistan": Abstract/Vision, MC Kabir, Chee Malabar, Yogi B & Natchatra, Makaya McCraven, and DJ Rekha; McCormick Pl Hyatt Regency conf. ctr., Chicago
18 April - HipHopistan discussion moderated/interrogated by Nitasha Sharma and Bakari Kitwana, same location as above, Chicago
19 April - Tatsu Aoki explains how to develop and sustain an Asian American arts organization (501(c)3) in Chicagoland, same location as above...
10 May - Kevin So band, Publick Playhouse, Cheverly, Maryland
25 May - Justin Nozuka, Marié Digby, and Eric Hutchinson; Recher Theatre, Towson, Md.
2 hapas and a "token" white guy. They should get rid of Hutchinson and add another hapa and call this the Hapa Tour. Or better yet, the Hot Hapa Tour... (j/k)
His music seems to be well constructed, in a cabaret style (reminded me of Leo Sayer). Not sure about the words, as I wasn't listening that closely. Meanwhile, I thought Eric's on-stage personality to be a bit annoying. (He seemed to have a bit of a 'tude toward his fans.) Most of the audience was there to see him (he originates from Maryland, although maybe close to DC, not Baltimore), and some in the back were gabbing away while Justin and Marié performed. (Don't they have any manners?!)
Justin opened the show, but I got there halfway through his set, so I don't know how things had progressed. He seemed to rock a little more than his studio recordings (probably due to performing live or frequent gigs).
Marié followed. She was very engaging with the audience (you could also say she's a big ham and supernaturally poised), although I'm not sure what people unfamiliar with her thought. As it was, I recognized just about all of her songs, except one that sounded in parts like a Neil Young tune.
6 June 08 - Heard a piece on Nat’l. Public Radio this morning about Salman Ahmad, the Pakistani rocker:
Pakistani Rock Star's Roots in U.S. Metal
And speaking of radio, I just learned of an interview of progressive radio host, Dan Tsang, on the KUCI website:
Subversity host, Dan Tsang
Before I forget, I should mention that about a week or 2 ago, I caught part of the Slanted Screen documentary on PBS. (But unfortunately, not on my local station.) The work is by Jeff Adachi and was edited and co-produced by Alex Yeung (see July 27 log entry), who I met last summer. At the end of the credits, you can hear his band, Say Bok Gwai.
Oh, and while on the subject of tv, I saw the quirky Esurance animated ad late last night (or rather, very early this morning) with soundtrack by singer/songwriter Pwrfl Power (a.k.a. Kazu Nomura from Seattle). Apparently, he'd won a contest last summer, and the ad was released this past March.

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